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What makes a good picture?

Different elements that have a profound effect on your overall photograph include lighting, background & Composition. That's one reason why pictures look better when shot in ample daylight, and why Selfies in front of a window look better.

Ever noticed that your food looks fresher🍕 if you shoot it in surplus light?

The background is another key factor. A busy background with unwanted objects is more likely to draw away the attention from the main subject, a minimal backdrop will do the opposite. Keep in mind that this is not true for every picture.

How to Edit Food Photography in Photoshop | Food Photo Editor

Why do you think the portrait mode on the iphones was such a hit?

Portrait mode simply blurs out the background so that the subject is more differentiated. As a result, the subject gets more emphasis by the human eyes.

iPhone 7 Plus Camera Guide: Can Portrait mode match a DSLR ...

Picture Composition is the most interesting one: You need to arrange the subject in a "visually pleasing" manner. Though there are a few rules, there is a heavy reliance on one's gut feeling regarding the composition of the picture.

10 Top Photography Composition Rules | Photography Mad

We'll be talking about each of these (maybe even more of them) in-depth... 

-That's it for now, Thanks for reading till the end👋🏼 
